Al Fateh partners with "Analytics FC"

Al Fateh FC has recently unveiled a strategic partnership with Analytics FC, a company specialising in data consulting and football analytics. This collaboration aims to elevate the club's ability to attract and nurture talent by leveraging the latest technology and advanced data, positioning Al Fateh as the tech advanced club in Saudi football.

Through this partnership, Al Fateh will utilise TransferLab, a leading data-driven talent scouting platform created by Analytics FC .This innovative platform, the first of its kind, offers solutions for both men's and women's football, enhancing the club's decision-making in the recruitment process.

Hassan Al Jabr, Al Fateh's Sporting Director, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership: "We aspire to be the most tech advanced club in every aspect of our operations, and we are thrilled to work with Analytics FC to achieve this goal. The TransferLab platform will help us identify and develop talent that aligns with our strategic vision and supports the club's ambitions."

Jeremy Steele, CEO of Analytics FC, added: "We are excited to partner with Al Fateh FC, as we share a commitment to revolutionising data-driven sports talent scouting. This partnership marks a significant step in supporting football clubs in the Middle East and promoting the growth of the game worldwide."

This collaboration reinforces Al Fateh Club's position as an innovative leader in football, as it aims to advance all levels of the game, from the first team to the newly established women's teams, who competed in the first division last season.

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